Monday, October 27, 2008

Week 6

I checked out a blog called Women Reflect on The Gender Issue and The Role It Plays in Politics. The person who posted this blog discussed how they think it is great that Hilary Clinton attempted to run for president. In this post, they added comments that were in the New York Times on the day of the post back in May. Some of the comments were things like “many credit Mrs. Clinton with laying down a new marker for what a woman can accomplish in a campaign” and “others say Mrs. Clinton was able to convert the sexism she faced on the trail into votes and donations”. This post focused on how other women view Hilary Clinton and her struggles to get a chance at a run for the Whiteshouse.

It was nice to read the comments that other women had to say about Hilary Clinton without having to read the entire article from the New York Times.

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